ACTVP240.ZIP 84,583 05-07-93 Actview PCB 2.40 Super utility for managingcaller log(s). Allows you to scan todaysactivity across up to 100 nodes in a coupleof seconds! Screens new users, invalid logonattempts, system errors, sorts, view allmore!
AIWAIT10.ZIP 31,346 12-18-90 Great UTIL for SYSOP's to use on MULTI NODEsystem's to coordinate bringing up all nodesafter an event!
AMPUTATE.ZIP 35,698 04-17-93 AMPUTATE 1.0 - For PCBoard Sysops Thisutility will quickly eliminate old dates fromyour caller log. Instead of deleting thewhole thing, or have to edit it in a texteditor, you specify the date to keep to
ATOPCK13.ZIP 43,322 08-19-94 AutoPack version 1.13 PCBoard Command LineAutoPCBPACKer! Pack ONLY those PCBoard 15.xConferences that need to be! Pack only thoseconferences that exceed the size limit(s)that you tell it. Excellent TIME and DRIVE
CALLER14.ZIP 29,440 06-29-95 Update CALLER log from DOS prompt. Thisversion was updated to support the PCB andPCBDAT environment variables (multinodesupport). C Source code included, released topublic domain.
CALLREN.ZIP 23,194 10-15-90 Renames Caller Log to current date
CHKNOD12.ZIP 33,909 01-14-91 Check Nodes V1.0 - PCBoard V14.x Sysops cancheck to see if all nodes are down in anevent batch file. Choice of immediate report,timed delay, or indefinite wait. Returns astatus code in DOS ERRORLEVEL. Minor change
CKEVENT.ZIP 6,686 08-28-90 Program to check for impending events beforeloading door. Can be set for any period oftime before event to "lock" door, extremelyuseful for PCRelay HUB doors.
CKP101.ZIP 24,456 06-08-93 Checks callers log for specifiedMarkMail/Qmail inserted messages and callsPCBPACK for those conferences; Includes .CPPsourcecode; Public Domain; Allows you tosynchronize IDX and NDX files FAST! From
CLKTM4.ZIP 11,909 02-27-94 CLKTIMER v4.20 - TSR to perform tasks atdesignated times. It can be scheduled toreboot the computer and stuff the keyboardbuffer. Use it to automate batch fileexecution at designated times.
CLPRNT24.ZIP 21,344 05-03-92 CL-Print v2.40 Send comments to CALLER.LOGSmall 2K program written in assembly allowsany text to be sent to log. Several useful/Variables allow current Time & Date stampsand standard PCBoard type entries. Now with
CLUK.ZIP 22,970 08-17-91 Caller Log Utility Keeper v1.0. Caller logmaintenance with varying options. Createarchive libraries of previous logs.
CNTLOGV1.ZIP 26,652 01-13-91 CALLER LOG analyzer. If switch is used CNTLOGwill move CALLER(s) to specified directorywith YYYY_DD.MMM format (as filename). Formulti-nodes all files are combined into thisin file. More features to come...
DATEREN.ZIP 8,397 08-02-92 Rename files based on today's date. Great forevents that want to rename log files ratherthan appending to one long file. Eg. ABC.XYZ==> 930802.XYZ -OR- ABC.XYZ ==> ABC.214 Has 2extension reflect today's date.
DAYBAT11.ZIP 5,538 07-12-91 Modification of the DAYFIL10.ZIP program torun batch files on specific day of the week,Even or odd day of the month, first day ofthe month or first day of the year. Onlyrequires 10K of Memory, leaving plenty of
DAYFIL10.ZIP 4,951 07-08-91 Small Utility to run a batch file on eithereven or odd days of the week. (Sun, Tue, Thur& Sat are Odd; Mon, Wed, Fri Are even.)Requires only 9K of memory, leaving plentyfor SHELL to patch operations.
DK200.ZIP 28,456 04-12-92 DATEKILL V2.00 Freeware released 04/12/92.Delete and/or truncate to zero bytes files bydate. Cull old backups, F'Reqs, echo files,etc. New features include preservation oforiginal file date, and delete/truncate
DLFLTR21.ZIP 26,495 05-18-93 Download Filter 2.1. Fast, Flexible downloadlog trimmer for PCBoard. Can filter by fileexistence, by date, or by age in days. PCB14.x/15.x.
DOWNTIL.ZIP 19,241 10-16-94 Utility to allow sysop to keep nodes down untthem back online (through events or for manuastatement can bring all nodes back online insprovided, released to public domain.
EM103.ZIP 34,559 02-21-93 Event Manager Version 1.03 SUPER FAST, SUPEREASY multiple event manager. Synchronousevents! Also, now handles Sliding events. Runevents only on certain days, and times. Nowyou can force events, change other lines in
ERRCD.ZIP 17,235 05-25-91 Two utilities to aid in batch filedevelopment with ERRORLEVEL command. One (EC)returns the specified errorlevel while theother will tell you what errorlevel a programhas returned (it is transparent to the
EUK11.ZIP 22,455 08-17-91 Event Utility Keeper v1.1. Event/Batch fileutility returns errorlevel or executes filesbased on current date/time/file sizes, etc.
EV.ZIP 36,935 07-21-91 Have you ever experienced a hung node loosingits sequence in the PCBoard event list? Hereis a way to verify that the nodes next eventwill be the correct one in your eventsequence. Now you can forget about hung nodes
EVENTDRV.ZIP 90,611 02-29-92 When in EVENT.SYS, call any batch file youwant depending on the current day numberGreat every day or weekly operations.
EVENTMAN.ZIP 12,825 09-22-92 Event Manager v1.0: A sysop's utility to rundifferent events each day. Supports DAILYoption as well as DOS commands, .bat files,and executables.
EVTEST10.ZIP 28,286 03-14-90 Event Test v1.0 - This program will safelymonitor and display the status of all PCBoardnodes, and delay the execution of daily eventuntil all nodes are offline.
EVTMAN12.ZIP 15,876 04-15-93 Bullet Proof Software presents: EVENTMAN - Apremier event manager for BBS SysOps andothers who use batch file events. Unlimitedcommands Different events each dayDescriptive PCB style logs Simple to set up
EVTMGR24.ZIP 10,700 04-21-92 Event Manager version 2.4 of 04/21/92. Thisprogram will add event notes to your callerlog file. Includes printer support and nodenumber as command line switches. Allows youto have a complete record of your event
EZSLEEP.ZIP 17,592 11-04-90 Version 2.0. Use this program to pausenon-active nodes while your main nodeprocess's it's EVENT. This is the BEST sleepprogram for the PC. Now supports an alarmfeature, as well as returning it's status via
IFTOD12.ZIP 14,999 04-11-91 Batch file control - Specificall constructedfor Event usage - Another freebie
INCEVENT.ZIP 9,928 11-21-90 Increase the time of the next event - createsmultiple events per day
KEVENT11.ZIP 11,865 04-04-91 Kevent ver 1.1 for PCB 14.5a, Multievents
LNDMPR97.ZIP 36,321 02-11-94 Line Dumper v0.97: Trim CALLER logs or anyASCII file of lines containing up to 10definable strings. KEEP any of those lines ifthey follow with any of 5 other definablestrings. Works with any ASCII file. Option
LOGCHK12.ZIP 46,873 04-19-91 LogChek (formerly CallView) will display yourCALLER logs in reverse chronological order ina scrolling window. Key phrases are colorizedto make reading easier. V1.2 now includesKEYWORD SEARCHing.
LOGIN.ZIP 5,553 03-12-94 A FreeWare Caller Log PPE - With Source CodeYea, another calling log, but this one is FREEasy to Install and never needs Maintence!
LOGIN1.ZIP 6,619 03-13-94 Pepster's Place BBS Present's PreviousCallers Log Ver 1.10 - FREEWARE There aremany calling Logs to choose from, but thisone includes source code and docs. It'smaintence FREE - No Need to have an Night
MAKMWAIT.ZIP 3,491 01-23-95 Make-m-wait PPE version 0.1 Put in your eventbatch file such that your board will be tiedup while it's running.
MULTIEVT.ZIP 11,313 09-02-90 Supports Multiple events with PCBOARD, publicdomain software.
MV2CALL.ZIP 37,268 01-29-92 This little sysopToolkit Utility will copy afile into a CALLER file and format it to PCBspec of 62 char per line. Handy for addinglog info at appropriate times or during anevent. Deletes file after copy to eliminate
NETEVENT.ZIP 31,882 01-24-92 NetEvent allows you the sysop to run aparticular function from your event.sys fileon a specific day of the week or on multipledays of the week, quick and easy to use nofancy install programs. FREEWARE !!!
NETGO1.ZIP 36,395 12-21-92 NetGo - Will run a program at a specific timeNice and easy to setup and install FREEWARE -This is totaly FREE A Xmas gift to all usersof FREEWARE and
NODEW.ZIP 40,043 02-26-91 Sysops with multi node bbs's! This programwith pause a node for 30 seconds. It cutsdown your network activity while you arerunning a nightly event. FREEWARE!
NXTEVENT.ZIP 12,487 01-10-90 Use this to set the event time in PC Board tothe time of your front end mailers next event
PBCLL097.ZIP 31,164 08-01-92 PCBCALL 0.97 - dated 08/01/92 Cut your CALLERlog file(s) down to size. Specify how manyline or how many days you want to keep in thefile. You also have the ability to remove log
PCBE3_32.ZIP 201,288 12-13-92 <-PCBEvent v3.2-12-13-92> * The Ultimate InPCBoard Event Managers! * * * For 386/486 * ** The BEST Multi Event Manager with TONS * *of features! DesQview and Novell aware! *Overlay Model* *
PCBEM12U.ZIP 52,438 09-27-91 PCBEM II Event Manager 1.12 09/27/91 Acomplete event management system that offersthe abilty to run multiple events, schedualSysOp maintenance, have other nodes wait forthe event process to complete and more....
PCBEX_32.ZIP 211,517 12-13-92 <-PCBEvent v3.2-12-13-92> * The Ultimate InPCBoard Event Managers! * * *For XT/286* * *The BEST Multi Event Manager with TONS * * offeatures! DesQview and Novell aware! * *NON-OVERLAY Model *
PCBRE100.ZIP 7,955 05-18-92 PCBReset v1.00, This runs in batch to testPCBOARD.SYS to see if a caller is logged inbefore loading a front-end mailer program.After a system crash, it can be used to stopthe next caller from getting in without being
PCBREMOV.ZIP 6,798 12-13-92 This program will remove the Sysop's namefrom the caller's log file. Works withmultiline setups. Very easy to use. Version.9 beta.
PCBSTAMP.ZIP 25,168 01-29-92 PCBStamp is useful in batch files to send astring to the caller log. It optionally willdate or time stamp the entry as well.
PCBTIME.ZIP 37,579 06-04-93 PCBTime is a utility that will help you keeptrack of your callers to your PCBoard BBS.Creates a Data file from your PCB Callers log
PCBUW11.ZIP 99,954 03-14-94 PCBUsernetWait Utility v1.1 03/14/94PCBUsernetWait is a PCBoard 15.x Utility thatwill poll the file untill a nodedrops to an event or reloads PCBoard This isnot a "Blind" wait program that keeps your
PCR_185.ZIP 13,414 02-28-93 PcRemove v1.85 - Caller Log Editor PcRemovewill remove unwanted information from theCALLER*.* logs. New version will allow you toalso remove specific lines along with usersfixed with single line versions of PcBoard.
PREVNT31.ZIP 17,610 10-13-90 PCBoard Rotary Event Manager for 14.0 + v 3.1Multiple events that can each slide, suspendand run on only specific days of tthe week ormonth. Minor bug fix to 3.0 fixes problems inevents on the first day of a month.
PRGLOG40.ZIP 16,609 05-05-91 PurgeLog v4.0 - Great utility for purifyingyour callers and transfers logs!! Very fastprocess and great graphics!
PTCHEVT1.ZIP 31,715 11-20-91 PatchEvt Version 1.0, released Nov 20th 1991.PCBoard V14.5a SysOp Utility. Maintainsproper event schedules when using Front-Ends.(Front Door, BinkleyTerm, etc). A MUST!
Q-LOG10.ZIP 9,477 07-21-94 Q-LOG PCBOARD LOGFILE ADJUSTER v1.0 CutsPCBoards logfile down to x lines when it hasgot y+ lines. Keeps only full callers.Written by Frank Q.
REBOTLOG.ZIP 35,640 01-07-91 Put in AUTOEXEC.BAT to write to PCBoardcallers log file the exact date/time ofreboot.
SETEVENT.ZIP 11,480 05-15-93 SetEvent v1.00 - Set any field in yourEVENT.DAT file from DOS (or a batch file).Disable or Enable an event or whatever youneed to do without running PCBSETUP. Note:node affected needs to be recycled before
SHOWEVNT.ZIP 11,693 05-01-93 ShowEvnt v1.00 - Display EVENT.DAT file forPCBoard 15.0 allows simple viewing of allNode data at once. Redirect output to file orprinter. Shows which Nodes have an EventBatch file present that should run. .......
SXEVNT21.ZIP 11,390 09-01-90 Run multiple events with this fixed versionof Sam Smith' XEvent. Allows up to 50 events,sliding/non sliding events, variable suspensetimes before events, and also handles changesallowed in PCBoard.Dat)
TALLY10.ZIP 11,206 04-03-94 TALLY 1.0 Event Counter Utility TALLY willcount just about anything you wish to count.How many times a program ran or how manytimes an event occurred. Very simple commandline driven program and best of all it is
TIMEWAIT.ZIP 23,936 07-01-91 A great way to have all your events end atthe same time. Time Wait allows you to setthe time which you want it to wait for, soyou can always have all your nodes back upfrom event(s) at the same time.
TLOG100.ZIP 43,456 07-06-93 PCBoard Caller's Log Trimmer ver 1.00 PCBoardonly! Looking for a way to keep a certainnumber of days in your caller's log? Easy toconfigure. Can be made to run in your nightlyevent.
TX2MB245.ZIP 71,954 02-05-94 PCB14/15: TXT2MSG 2.45u (*release*) TXT2MSGallows you to import textfiles and scriptanswers into PCB14/15 messagebases; Used onPCBoard systems around the world; Use for:event logs, new users, netmail logs, faxetc!
VIG-LT10.ZIP 41,728 08-30-94 LogTame v1.0 for PCBoard 15.x Utility to keepthe size of your CALLERx logs under control!Slap this into an event and specify how manydays worth of logging you want to keep.
VLOG10.ZIP 10,685 10-31-94 VLOG Version 1.0. A simple PCboard Callerslog. Gives Name, Locations, and minute. for aeasy reading. FREE
WEEKLOG.ZIP 12,631 02-05-95 WEEKLOG v1.5 - for PCBv15.x multinode Sysops.Logical strategy controls and organizes yourCALLER logs into weekly/monthly/node# order.Can be run in your event. Creates WKx-nnn.MONthe path. Saves -LOTS- of disk space.
WEEKLOGS.ZIP 12,244 02-05-95 WEEKLOGS v1.5 - for PCBv15.x SINGLE NODESysops. Logical strategy controls andorganizes your CALLER logs intoweekly/monthly order. Can be run in yourevent. Creates WKx.MON files, then zips these